James Smith's Bio

James M. Smith Sr.

Business Director & Laser Therapist

 For most of his life, James was a resident of Texas. He attended high school in Mineral Wells, TX, and later moved to Fort Worth to attend Tarrant County Junior College. He continued his education at the University of Texas at Arlington, but his passion for learning didn't stop there. James always had a passion for health and fitness. For many years, he taught martial arts; which, along with working out, helped him maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. His passion for the outdoors is what led him to Reno in 2002.

James was the president of the J. Marshall Corporation for seventeen years before he took a position with AT&T and transferred to Reno. Since then, he has served in this area as a business and marketing consultant for over sixteen years.

 In 2013, James suddenly became very ill and ended up hospitalized for days. During that time, he was prescribed medication that ended up saving his life, however, the side-effects greatly weakened his tendons and ligaments, and he was in a constant state of pain. He was unable to even remove his shirt without his wife's assistance; the pain in his arms was too much to bear.

 While helping a local doctor with marketing, James mentioned his condition. The doctor suggested that James use Laser Technology to help with his pain, and offered to work with him. Skeptical but tired of the pain, James agreed to try a few treatments. Astonishingly, after a few treatments, his pain became 75% better and he was able to begin small sessions of physical therapy. 

Now, the pain is 95% gone, and James is able to work out and resume his normal activities.  These results sent James on a quest to find the best non-pharmaceutical and surgery free solutions for pain treatment.

 His goal was to eventually pass along the irreplaceable gift of wellness to others that may experience chronic pain like he did, or have their own dealings of pain that prevents them from living their lives to the fullest. 

Since then, James has acquired certifications in Laser Technology and Laser Therapy, and has traveled and consulted with some of the foremost doctors and pioneers in the field of photobiomodulation. James is currently working on completing his Medical Personal Trainer certification, and his Masters Level Nutritional Consultant certification. James is more than happy to share his own testimony about his journey with Laser Therapy, Light Therapies, and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Technology, and believes in the healing that can result from Laser treatments.  James does not diagnose any conditions and our Doctor is available to advise on any possible contraindications to treatment - not diagnose your condition. 

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